Inaugural Webinar meeting: Telemedicine in Glaucoma – Making the Connection
COVID-19 has placed many healthcare professionals in unprecedented circumstances. It is an opportunity to review our best practices and re-evaluate what’s best for our patients. Teleconsultation has been gaining ground with many benefits such as reduced waiting time and affordability of care. Which of our glaucoma patients could potentially benefit from telemedicine? How is telemedicine expected to deliver the same standard of care as our conventional practice? What do we need to seek and do to reduce our medicolegal liability? In this inaugural webinar, we would take a glimpse on the set-up of virtual glaucoma clinics at the Singapore National Eye Centre as well as their pilot teleconsultation initiative. We will also look forward to invaluable legal input from Allen & Gledhill LLP with respect to upholding standard of care with telemedicine, its potential pitfalls and liabilities.
Date: 21 March 2020
Time: 6.00pm to 7.30pm (SIngapore)
Platform: Zoom Webinar
A/Prof Rahat Husain, Senior Consultant, SNEC
Dr Annabel Chew, Consultant, SNEC
Ms Christine Tee, Partner, Allen & Gledhill LLP
Mr Tham Hsu Hsien, Partner, Allen & Gledhill LLP
Welcome Address: Prof Tina Wong
Glaucoma Observation Clinic – our SNEC experience: Dr Annabel Chew
Vid-Con : A new model of care for glaucoma patients: A/Prof Rahat Husain
Principles and guidelines of Telemedicine in Glaucoma treatment: Ms Christine Tee
Principles and guidelines of Telemedicine in Covid-19: Mr Tham Hsu Hsien
All Glaucoma Specialists and Glaucoma Fellows are welcome
Warm Regards,
The GLAS committee